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Isaiah 65 & Psalm 80
Advent, God as Father who gives us life and saves us

Mark 1: 1-8; Luke 1:44-56
Advent, Mary & Elizabeth, John and Jesus in the womb.

Jesus as Strength & Rock
Jesus who formed you is ever your Strength and Rock

Psalm 126
Advent, We wait for God to come to us, hope, joy!

Christmas prayer
God's gift was unwrapped for you - His Son, Our Savior, Jesus the Christ

Christmas, God sent his Son, adopted us as heirs

Joyous New Year!
Jesus' birth brings us life!

Matthew 1-2
Jesus was protected by his adopted father, Joseph.

Prayer to end abortion
Jesus saves those abandoned by parents. He forgives and heals.

Prayer for justice
A prayer to bring justice to the most vulnerable.

Purpose of humans
The Larger Catechism states the highest purpose of human beings.

Valentines Day
God loves the helpless and protects the weak

Psalm 27
Forsaken and abandoned, God will take you in!

Psalm 63:8
God upholds me.

Psalm 32
All our sin is covered by God through Jesus.

Isaiah 43:16-21
Chosen and formed by God!

Psalm 118:29
God's steadfast love endures forever

Psalm 118:14-24
Joy in the day God has made

Ezekiel 37:13
God opens the graves and resurrects his people.

Philippians 2:5-11
Jesus is Lord and yet obedient to the cross.

John 11:25
Jesus as Resurrection and Life!

Psalm 16:11
God as Guide brings fullness of joy.

Acts 2:39
The Holy Spirit a gift for generations now and to come.

John 10:30
Jesus is come to bring life
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