Work harder and smarter
Roe and Doe legalized abortion through all nine months of pregnancy
Many people don’t realize that Roe v. Wade legalized abortion through all nine months of pregnancy. Roe says abortions may not be restricted at all during the first three months and in the second three months may be regulated only for the mother’s health. After “viability” Roe allows abortion to be prohibited but must make an exception for the woman’s life or health.
But in Roe’s companion case, Doe v. Bolton, the Court defined “health” to include “all factors—physical, emotional, psychological, familial, and the woman’s age—relevant to the well-being” of the mother. In most states, that is broad enough to permit virtually any abortion in the seventh, eighth, or ninth months of pregnancy if any of these reasons is invoked.
When Roe was overturned on June 24, 2022, the democratic process—not the courts—would determine abortion policy.
Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health (heartbeatservices.org)
The following organizations are reliable resources for legal analysis of SCOTUS decisions, and published responses within minutes of release of the Dobbs v. Jackson case in June 2022.
Alliance Defending Freedom www.adflegal.org
Liberty Counsel www.lc.org
The Justice Foundation www.thejusticefoundation.org
The following links are useful for education purposes on the issues surrounding pregnancy, abortion and women's health. Remember, legislators and pro-life
candidates are typically not doctors, and will need your help to become fully informed.
Heartbeat International www.heartbeatservices.org/dobbs
Dr. William Lile www.prolifedoc.org
Family Policy Alliance After Roe: Introduction | Family Policy Alliance
S.M.A.R.T. (Science Matter in Abortion-Related Trauma), www.smartwomenshealthcare.com
US Conference of Catholic Bishops "Standing With Moms"
Life Issues Institute www.lifeissues.org
Life Training Institute www.prolifetraining.com
Charlotte Lozier Institute https://lozierinstitute.org
Churches will no longer be able to solely "outsource" their life-affirming work to parachurch organizations and social service agencies, which are receiving a higher volume of needy clients post-Roe. We will need to work harder and smarter, compassionately, and with greater urgency. It is past time to prepare!
Created Equal www.createdequal.org (idea for getting involved, projects, demonstrations)
Faces of Roe www.facesofroe.com (shareable video interviews and testimonies with women and men affected by abortion, including late-term abortion)
SAFE HAVEN LAWS www.nationalsafehavenalliance.org (all 50 states have laws permitting mothers to surrender their infants to "Safe Havens" - typically fire stations - but there is little publicity or public awareness)
FOSTER CARE REFORM There is a movement to create legislation to eliminate foster care for abandoned or relinquished newborns, by pre-approving the estimated 2million potential adoptive parents, allowing the infants to be discharged directly into their care, bypassing the foster care system.
Help elect prolife candidates - very few candidates understand the issues; help them under stand and craft informed policies
Help women - this is not placed intentionally last; but the help women need is wide-ranging and the context will be specific to your church and community. Be prepared, nothing about this is small or easy: It will need to be relational and gospel-driven, and include significant material assistance such as:
Rent assistance
Referrals to social & health services, including legal services
Parenting classes
ONLINE BABY SHOWERS: Online "baby showers" can be held by registering pregnancy care centers, or individual women, with on-line retailers such as Amazon, Target & Walmart, and listing necessary items. Donors can access the registries, purchase as much as they like, and the gifts can either be delivered to the church, center or individual.
TRAINED COUNSELORS (not psychologists or therapists): Both churches and pregnancy care centers will need compassionate people, able to listen and motivated to assist women to access the services and resources they need
PRIVACY CONCERNS: Note that one of the attractive features of the abortion industry is that its clients are able to remain anonymous, committing to a short-term "solution" accomplished among strangers she will never have to see again, and who will not judge her for her lifestyle or actions. Understanding this well will be hugely important to churches wanting to engage in direct aid. Even though the Christian's pro-life impulse is relational and evangelistic, there will be women who do not want a relationship with you or with the church. They will only ask for what they need, and may not even say thank-you. The church and its members must be willing to help everyone, without judgment, and without expecting anything in return.