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Letter from PPL's Executive Director


Compelled by the Gospel, PPL equips Presbyterians to champion human life at every stage

April, 2019


Responding to life issues now is more important than it’s ever been!


More than 60 million children have been aborted in the U.S. since 1973.  One-in-four women have had an abortion and 70% of those women self-identify as Christian 43% of them attended church during the month before they had their abortion. (CareNet-sponsored Lifeway Research 2015). There may be 50 million living post-abortive women - and as many men - who have lost children through abortion.  Add to that siblings, grandparents and other relatives and the numbers of those impacted by abortion swell exponentially.  Chances are, you know many people wounded by abortion.


  • Women over 60 are among the first women who were lied to about the facts of abortion.  Many are only now coming to understand what occurred and are suffering.  Abortion recovery facilitators regularly encounter women in their 70’s and 80’s who have had multiple abortions, but who have never processed their grief.  These women need abortion recovery ministry leading to Christian forgiveness Does your congregation offer an opportunity for healing and forgiveness?


Are you equipped to help a woman facing a difficult or unexpected pregnancy?  Can you encourage her and direct her to the right resources intended to help her avoid abortion, and walk with her through pregnancy to deliver a healthy child?  Only 7% of women discussed their abortion with anyone in their church and 76% said the church had no impact on their decision to abort. 


Where will you turn for resources you can trust?  PPL has the resources you need to become equipped to champion life at every stage!


For more than 40 years PPL has worked to equip Presbyterians to champion human life at every stage.  Our educational, worship and ministry resources have a

uniquely Reformed perspective on life issues at every point on the spectrum from fertilization to natural death:  IVF, pregnancy and pregnancy loss; perinatal hospice; abortion and post-abortion recovery; foster care, adoption and embryo adoption; and children and adults with special needs - as well as end-of-life issues including assisted suicide, euthanasia and hospice. Conversations about God’s view of life can begin at any point on the spectrum and will apply at every point on the spectrum.  PPL serves all Presbyterian denominations, including the ECO, EPC, PCA and PC(USA). 



  • The interest and needs are greatIn recent months PPL has experienced a significant increase in our website and social media traffic, with regular requests for information about adoption, embryo adoption, abortion reversal and other resources.

  • In addition, we present webinars on life issues, issue a monthly eNews with items of current interest, and produce and distribute a weekly Life Support prayer calendar.

  • Our board members are from across the nation and representative of all four major Presbyterian denominations.  We are present at all national gatherings with exhibits and seminars, at significant expense.

  • As a national organization, we are the ONLY Presbyterian voice speaking into the public discourse about life issues on a daily basis, all from a Reformed perspective.

  • Only Christians contribute financially to Christian organizations, and only Presbyterians contribute to PPL.  


Please help with an immediate one-time gift and then consider a commitment to regular financial and prayer support of this important ministry so that we can continue to develop ministry resources and be available to offer information


Because the Gospel compels us to tell the story that all human life

 is worth the price that Jesus paid for it.


In Christ,



Deborah Hollifield

Executive Director

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Presbyterians Protecting Life
P.O. Box 199061
ndianapolis, IN 46219

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